Turbulence: Metal, Flows in Thinking and Things | RCA Battersea

Turbulence: Metal, Flows in Thinking and Things | RCA Battersea

Jan 17, 2024 (UTC+0)
RCA Battersea


Discover new dialogues and approaches to understanding the functions and potential of metals in art and design at the symposium, Turbulence: Metal, Flows in Thinking and Things. Taking place on 17th January 2024 at the prestigious Royal College of Art in London, this event will delve into the often overlooked world of metal art and design. As we explore the boundaries of this highly pluralistic and multi-faceted field, we aim to test and expand its limits. With a growing interest in materiality and sensory engagement, alongside the immersive realm of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, this symposium contemplates the future meaning of metal as a foundation for artistic and design practices. Esteemed speakers from various disciplines, including artists, academics, philosophers, anthropologists, poets, and material scientists, will come together to examine the question: what does it mean to 'make' in metal? Prepare to be inspired by the insights and expertise of individuals such as Jonathan Boyd, Emefa Cole, Professor Johnny Golding, Dr Zoe Laughlin, Sally Li, Dr Pravu Mazumdar, Martina Margetts, Dr Peter Oakley, Mah Rana, Max Warren, Adi Toch, Bine Roth, and Professor Michael Rowe. Join us at this thought-provoking symposium and gain a deeper appreciation for the significance of metal in art and design. Admission is free.

Provided by Margaret|Published Mar 25, 2024


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