Waltham Forest: A Radical Landscape | William Morris Gallery

Waltham Forest: A Radical Landscape | William Morris Gallery

Jan 31, 2024 (UTC+0)
William Morris Gallery


Waltham Forest: A Radical Landscape invites visitors to a special panel discussion and private view featuring commissioned artists Abel Holsborough, Zaiba Jabbar, and Graeme Miller. This exclusive event, taking place on January 31, 2024, at the William Morris Gallery in London, is a unique opportunity to delve into the artistic minds behind the Radical Landscapes exhibition. The artists will explore how their memories and experiences of Waltham Forest and home have influenced their social sculptures across the borough. Abel Holsborough, a talented artist utilizing photography, writing, and performance, will showcase their work focusing on obscure histories and not-quite archives. Zaiba Jabbar, an award-winning director and independent curator, will present her investigation into how marginalized individuals use technology to create art outside traditional formats. Graeme Miller, an internationally acclaimed artist, composer, and performance-maker, will share his situational pieces that challenge perceptions of place and time. The event schedule includes a panel discussion with a Q&A session, followed by a private view of the exhibition. Attendees are encouraged to make a donation to support the event with a suggested amount of £7.50. Immerse yourself in the Radical Landscapes exhibition and discover the unique perspectives of these talented artists shaping the artistic landscape of Waltham Forest.

Provided by Noble|Published Mar 25, 2024


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