1-Day Adventure in Komodo: Dragons & Pink Sands

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by Henry

May 7, 2024 · 1 min read

Komodo 1 Day Itinerary

Embark on a one-day journey to the mythical Komodo Island, where adventure meets tranquility. Your day begins with a visit to the stunning Komodo Island, home to the world-famous Komodo dragons. Spend three hours exploring the beautiful village, immersing yourself in the local culture and witnessing the majestic dragons in their natural habitat. After your encounter with these prehistoric creatures, unwind at the Pink Beach for two hours of relaxation. This unique beach offers not only a picturesque setting with its blush-hued sands but also an opportunity for rejuvenating spa treatments and a chance to sip on refreshing drinks at the beach bar. From the thrill of wildlife to the bliss of beach serenity, this itinerary promises a day of unforgettable experiences.

Top 6 Hotels in Komodo
AYANA Komodo Waecicu Beach
AYANA Komodo Waecicu Beach
83 reviews
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Bintang Flores Hotel
Bintang Flores Hotel
57 reviews
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Meruorah Komodo Labuan Bajo
Meruorah Komodo Labuan Bajo
116 reviews
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Sudamala Resort, Komodo, Labuan Bajo
Sudamala Resort, Komodo, Labuan Bajo
105 reviews
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Sylvia Hotel & Resort Komodo
Sylvia Hotel & Resort Komodo
104 reviews
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Laprima Hotel
Laprima Hotel
32 reviews
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Itinerary at a Glance
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1 Day in Komodo Itinerary: Day 1


Komodo Island


Kickstart your Komodo adventure with a visit to the enchanting Komodo Island, the gateway to a prehistoric paradise. As the first stop on your itinerary, allocate around 3 hours to immerse yourself in the rustic charm of the local village. Nestled in the heart of the Manggarai Barat district, this island is not only the home of the legendary Komodo dragons but also a sanctuary of serene landscapes and traditional culture. Explore the village's simple beauty, interact with the friendly locals, and prepare to be captivated by the island's raw, natural allure.

Attraction Info

  • Komodo, Kec. Komodo, Kabupaten Manggarai Barat, Nusa Tenggara Tim.
  • Suggested tour duration: 3-5 hour
  • Open 24 hours
16 min,8.83 km

Pink Beach


After delving into the rustic life of Komodo Island, it's time to indulge in some relaxation at the iconic Pink Beach. Set aside 2 hours to bask in the glow of one of the world's most picturesque shorelines. Located in East Nusa Tenggara, Pink Beach offers a unique blend of spa wellness and beachside bars, allowing you to unwind and rejuvenate amidst its blush-tinted sands. Whether you're looking to pamper yourself with a spa treatment or simply sip on a cocktail while soaking up the sun, Pink Beach is the perfect spot to conclude your day's journey with a splash of color and tranquility.

Attraction Info

  • Pink Beach, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia
  • Suggested tour duration: 2-3 hour
  • Open 24 hours
0/50 Reviews
Pulau Komodo
|4.03km from Pink Beach

Top Things to Do in Komodo-2024

Komodo Island
Komodo Island
4.7/5 · 64 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 988 review
Komodo Island is the larger island in the Komodo National Park. To reach Komodo Island, you can take a flight from Bali to Labuan Bajo, and then take a boat to Komodo National Park. The main destination of coming to Komodo Island is generally to see Komodo dragons. The footage of Komodo dragons in Animal World was shot here. Komodo dragons are lizards and reptiles. Of course, there are also diving, snorkeling and deep diving.
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Pink Beach
Pink Beach
5/5 · 11 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 334 review
There are 7 pink sand beaches in the world, and Komodo just happens to have one. This beach is pink near the sea, very special, the sea water is very cool and crystal clear, and there are many sea fish visible to the naked eye. The turquoise waves, the dark green rolling hills, the azure blue sky, and the pink sand beach, all are so strong and clear that you will be stunned like a demon, forgetting that this is the world. Komodo's pink beach is actually red coral powder. From a distance, it is the effect of powder. There are hundreds of soft and hard corals and thousands of fish species in the pink beach water. It's also a good choice for snorkelers and beginner divers, as even the shallow waters are rich in species, making it a wonderland-like world.
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Komodo National Park
Komodo National Park
4.8/5 · 28 review
Komodo National Park consists of three small islands: Komodo Island, Badar Island and Rincha Island. In 1991, Komodo National Park was included in the World Natural Heritage List. Here lives the world's largest living lizard: the Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo dragon. Adult Komodo dragons are 3-4 meters long and weigh up to 100 kilograms. They are ferocious carnivores with a lifespan of 40-50 years.
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Padar Island
Padar Island
5/5 · 14 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 1,272 review
A nice island with beautiful beaches and great scenery. There's many fish in the water which makes the location good for snorkeling.
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Kanawa Island
Kanawa Island
5/5 · 2 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 707 review

* All user reviews in this article have been translated by machine.

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Komodo 1 Day Itinerary