1 Day in Zhenyuan: Ancient Town & Wuyanghe Wonders

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by Emma

May 7, 2024 · 1 min read

Zhenyuan 1 Day Itinerary

Embark on a one-day journey through the enchanting Zhenyuan Ancient Town, where history whispers at every corner. Begin your day soaking in the rich cultural tapestry of this storied locale, nestled in Southeast Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture. Stroll along the quaint Xinglong Street, where the past comes alive, and dedicate your day to unraveling the mysteries and charm of this ancient town. As the afternoon unfolds, venture into the Wuyanghe National Scenic Area, a natural masterpiece that complements the historical vibe of Zhenyuan. Spend three hours amidst the scenic beauty, where the river carves through the landscape, offering a serene backdrop to your cultural expedition. This itinerary promises a perfect blend of cultural immersion and natural wonder, all within the span of a day, making it an ideal escape for history buffs and nature enthusiasts alike.

Top 6 Hotels in Zhenyuan
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1 Day in Zhenyuan Itinerary: Day 1


Zhenyuan Ancient Town


Embark on your Zhenyuan adventure with a visit to the Zhenyuan Ancient Town, where history whispers through the narrow lanes and traditional architecture. As the first stop of your day, stepping into this ancient town feels like a journey back in time, with its rich cultural tapestry and well-preserved buildings that have stood the test of time. Spend your day meandering through the streets, soaking up the atmosphere of a bygone era, and perhaps catching a glimpse of local life that has remained unchanged for centuries. The town, nestled at No. 21, Xinglong Street, is not just a place; it's a living museum that tells the story of the Southeast Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture.

Attraction Info

  • No. 21, Xinglong Street, Zhenyuan County, Southeast Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture
  • Suggested tour duration: 0.5-1 day
  • Open 24 hours

Recommended Nearby Restaurants

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30 min,15.24 km

Wuyanghe National Scenic Area


After immersing yourself in the historical charm of Zhenyuan Ancient Town, let nature's beauty captivate you at the Wuyanghe National Scenic Area. Just a short journey from the heart of Zhenyuan County, this scenic area is a sanctuary of tranquility and natural splendor. Allocate around three hours to explore the lush landscapes, where the Wuyang River carves through the land, creating breathtaking views and an ambiance of peace. It's the perfect counterpoint to the morning's cultural exploration, offering a serene escape and a chance to reflect on the natural wonders that have shaped the history and culture of the Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture.

Attraction Info

  • Zhenyuan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture
  • Suggested tour duration: 3-4 hour
  • Open from 8:00am-5:00pm

Where to Stay Tonight

3.8/517 Reviews
3.8/517 Reviews
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Top Things to Do in Zhenyuan-2024

Zhenyuan Ancient Town
Zhenyuan Ancient Town
4.5/5 · 2,142 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 95 review
Zhenyuan Ancient Town is located in Yuan County, southeast of Zhendong on the bank of Wuyang River. The river winds through the city, forming a pattern similar to the famous yin-yang symbol, so the town is sometimes called Bagua Ancient Town. It also resembles Venice, Italy, with its modes of water transportation. Zhenyuan Ancient Town is divided into two halves by the Wuyang River. The South bank contains the old acropolis, while the North bank holds the ancient city that was built during the Ming Dynasty. The city contains ancient walls and gates, and a number of ancient buildings sitting atop the hills.
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Qinglong Cave
Qinglong Cave
4.3/5 · 1,220 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 24 review
The Qinglong Cave is a famous historical and cultural town located in China. It can be found on the Zhonghe Mountain just east of Zhenyuan. The mountains are described as being upright, with large cliffs, various rocks, and as having many caves to explore. Here there was a Qinglongdong Ancient Architecture Complex that was built in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. This complex has a long history of more than 500 years and is considered to be a famous monument in Guizhou. There are six different parts that make up the Qinglongdong Scenic Area which is composed of 35 single buildings surrounded by a variety of architectural cultures.
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Guizhou Gaoguo River Scenic Area
Guizhou Gaoguo River Scenic Area
4.5/5 · 137 review
Gaoguohe Scenic Area is a canyon-type tourist attraction, consisting of virgin forest canyons, deep pools, dangerous beaches, waterfalls and torrents. Within the scenic area of 40 square kilometers, there are rich original ecological vegetation, towering ancient trees, exotic flowers and plants, and a wide variety. It is a large natural botanical garden. Thousand-year-old trees in the area, osmanthus magnolia in Ming and Qing Dynasties, and national first- and second-level protected tree species such as southern yew, podocarpus, metasequoia, ginkgo, etc. can be seen everywhere; The waterfall is beautiful, the combination of movement and stillness, full of wild interest; among the green mountains and green waters, there are natural murals, strange peaks and strange rocks from time to time. Among them, there are 3 national first-class scenic spots and more than 20 second-class scenic spots. Masculinity, danger, strangeness, seclusion, beauty and beauty intertwine with each other, and the fortune is magical, especially the unique Gu'er Waterfall, which is majestic, handsome and extraordinary. The annual average temperature is 12.5°C. It enjoys the reputation of "leisure resort, holiday paradise". The unique charm of high river rafting is an exciting and refreshing project for high river tourism. The rafting section has a total length of 10 kilometers and a rafting drop of 200 meters, suitable for all ages. While enjoying the adventure and excitement, you can also experience the lingering and amazing canyon landscape on both sides of the river. It is a compound provincial-level scenic spot for sightseeing, vacation and summer vacation, and ancient exploration.
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Zhenyuan Shiping Mountain
Zhenyuan Shiping Mountain
4.2/5 · 361 review
taCommentInfo-imageBased on 3 review
Zhenyuan Shiping Mountain is found on the east side of Wuyang River, Wuyang Town, Zhenyuan County, Guizhou Province which belongs to the Qilian Mountains. At the southern foot of Shiping Mountain, the ancient Ming and Qing Sihe Courtyard buildings are clustered with provincial key cultural relics such as Fucheng Temple, Sigong Temple, and Tianhou Palace from of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, the temple of fire, the Temple of Literature, and many other ancient temples can be seen. Tens of county-level cultural relic protection units, such as roadways, ancient wells, and ancestral wharfs, are located on the same site to form a huge community of ancient buildings.
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* All user reviews in this article have been translated by machine.

* The information above is subject to change at any time. For the latest information, please check the websites of hotels and attractions.

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Zhenyuan 1 Day Itinerary