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Great places to go near Zhengzhou Fantawild Water Park in June (updated 2024)

Things to do near Zhengzhou Fantawild Water Park

1. Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden

What travelers say:
Anonymous User: "Overall it is not bad, cost-effective, colorful programs, tight schedules, performances have time program forms, as long as the itinerary and plan are set, you can see every program, and it is a circular performance."
Qingming Riverside Landscape Garden
Opening hours: Opens at 08:30-22:00(Admission ends at 20:30)
Price: From EUR4
Distance: 37.99km
Recommended sightseeing time:0.5-1 day
Address: No. 5, Longting West Road, Longting District, Kaifeng City

2. unique henan land of dramas

What travelers say:
M13***87: "People who like to watch dramas will be very immersed, all kinds of drama performances, but unfortunately there are several interactive ones that have not been seen. The train station and Lijiacun foreigners may not have a good sense of participation. The locals are not as good, because there will be a lot of dialects. Foreigners may choose the illusion city. In addition, you must leave 10-15 minutes of space between all performances, because it is really too difficult to find a way 😂😂 The environment here is really a film, so watch ~"
unique henan land of dramas
Opening hours: Opens at 10:00-21:00
Distance: 7.74km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-2 days
Address: 河南省鄭州市中牟縣平安大道與廣信街交叉口西北角


What travelers say:
M49***60: "I was very lucky to go to Longsui Mountain on the 520 day. I played a lot of projects in the scenic spot. I watched three large-scale performances in Zhujiazhuang during the day, and I watched the iron flower and Shenzhou legends at night. They were very good. There was also the performance of Xiao Shenlong 😆😊."
Opening hours: Opens at 08:00-21:30(Tickets available until 21:30)
Distance: 39.02km
Recommended sightseeing time:2-3 hour
Address: Middle section of Tokyo Avenue, Longting District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province (opposite to Kaifeng Municipal Party School)

4. Song City Holiday Resort

What travelers say:
118***66: "Wuxia City is a playground, suitable for children to play. Some popular projects such as iron flower performances need to enter the venue one hour in advance to wait for the location, and the experience is not good. More suitable for locals to hold annual tickets, the price is not high for foreign tourists"
Song City Holiday Resort
Opening hours: Opens at 08:00-22:00
Distance: 39.11km
Recommended sightseeing time:1-2 days
Address: 河南省開封市龍亭區東京大道輔路

Restaurants near Zhengzhou Fantawild Water Park

1. 郑州方特梦幻王国-临水餐厅

What travelers say:
故事~和酒: "#Go to where you still want to go #First trip in 2023 Fangte Dream Kingdom uses high-tech interpretation of the theme, combining international fashion and entertainment elements such as animation cartoons and movie stunts and traditional Chinese cultural symbols to create a magical world full of fantasy and creativity. The park is composed of large indoor adventures - Qinling adventures; track-type three-dimensional magic show project - magic castle; large high-tech water disaster experience project - decisive battle Jinshan Temple; modern large-scale theme high-tech entertainment project - west tour legend; The world's top wooden roller coaster, jungle dragon and other more than 20 indoor and outdoor projects, including theme projects, amusement projects, leisure and landscape projects, a total of more than 200. This is a magical fantasy adventure! This is a challenge to self release! This is a vision of a better future! History and the future meet, reality and dreams overlap [1][2]. The project Leap River Valley Leap River Valley project is based on the legend of the ancient Mayan civilization, combining various stunt lights, rafting and various high-altitude slips. During your visit, you will experience high-speed surfing, weightlessness, centrifugal forces and other feelings. Zhengzhou Fangte Dream Kingdom - Leap River Valley decisive battle Jinshan Temple decisive battle Jinshan Temple project blended disaster simulation, water curtain stunts, sky curtain performance and many other high-tech performance forms, real reappearing Bai Lady Bai Suzhen in order to save her husband Xu Xian, The magnificent scene of the Nudou Fahai at Jinshan Temple reshapes the legend of traditional Chinese folks - the magnificent love legend that has been circulating for thousands of years in the "White Snake Legend". Zhengzhou Fangte Dream Kingdom - the decisive battle of Jinshan Temple Dragon King Legend Dragon King Legend Project is based on the Chinese classic myth and legend "Where is the sea" The story is the background, integrating a large-scale deep-sea adventure theme project with many high-tech means such as film and live performance. The legend of the dragon king tells the story of the dragon king of the East China Sea - Guangshui flooded Chen Tangguan, bullying the people, the people live in the deep water, in order to understand the rescue of the life, where to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace, find the East China Sea Dragon King, ask him to use a spell to force the flood back. Unexpectedly, the East China Dragon King was incompetent and sat in glory and wealth, regardless of the people's death and life, rejected the kindness of which. The East China Dragon King launched a peak showdown with the East China Dragon King, and finally he defeated the four sea dragon kings led by the East China Dragon King, saving the people of Chen Tangguan, and forcing the East China Dragon King to retreat the flood story."
Distance: 372m
Address: Zhengkai Avenue meets Huaqiang Road

2. Tealady chajiejiahongbeiliansuo (xianghu)

Tealady chajiejiahongbeiliansuo (xianghu)
Distance: 1.53km
Address: Inside Building 1, Jidilanhuayu, Zhongshan Road

3. 方特假日酒店花园西餐厅

Distance: 900m
Address: Huaqiang Culture Technology Industry Base

4. 方特西部餐厅

What travelers say:
小包爱旅行: "China wind Disney, do a happy day, the children Fangte is divided into Happy World and Dream Kingdom two park tools. We are playing today in the Happy World Show 💚 Play small Tips can download in advance Fangte Travel APP with project introduction and excitement! 👉 Fangte Happy World Acid Open asked: 9:30-21:30 will be 30 minutes away from Zhengzhou Railway Station and 10 minutes away from the subway entrance. The big play project is recommended. The storm eye is very hot! It is recommended to queue early! The project is often 70s, and the process is very exciting! The narrow track twists 3600 and then turns 7200 half-empty sudden stop, rapid backwards, super cool! Polar Express gentle version of the storm eye, feel that the storm eye is too exciting to sit sisters can boldly try! Gather fighter stunts to simulate the physical and mental experience of the pilot, a total of 40s in time, the power of the big pendulum is not much to say, the people who love it are crazy, the people who don't love it are prohibitive! The time is 3min Fangte Castle loves to take pictures or bring children to you must not miss Fangte Castle! There are amusement equipment such as spiral slides, ocean ball pools, fruit insect climbing! If you are tired from playing in Hailuo Bay, put on 4D glasses to see a movie about 👉 undersea fish guarding the home! 1 hour 1 game, more suitable for children! 👉 Escape the Dinosaur Island large rafting adventure project! Also my favorite! Take a boat into the Jurassic era, in the dense jungle with giant dragons, aerial hunters to start a thrilling adventure 👉 high-altitude flight recommended this project! You can overlook the entire park in the high air, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and take pictures! 👉 The light of life feels the evolution of the earth and mankind in the three-dimensional giant screen theater. It can be said that it integrates technology and knowledge! Pirate ships are also more classic projects! If you want to stimulate, you must do the first or last row! 👉 UFO pirate ship upgrade version! Because it is still spinning when it is on the public, so you are dizzy while shouting! 👉 Double-layer carousel nightfall, when the lights are first on, who can refuse to take a group of beautiful photos before the carousel, let alone the double-layer 💚 special program entrance free to receive the flag and balloon ^ Diy do moon cakes at the entrance of Dix, green snake and white snake show costume show bear I'm going to prepare for the second brush when I say that I'm in the big cruise! We compared the western restaurant for lunch and chose the western restaurant. The guide is generally a set meal. The per capita check-in position is about 50. The castle in the back area of Conch Bay is directly in front of the castle. The picture of the dinosaur island is facing the castle. The left hand side of the Adeel town is directly in front of the castle. Whether you are a big friend or not. It’s the children who always come to the amusement park to play. I’m a small bag that loves to travel and share. #Surrounding tours are a good place to go #Play outdoors #Super fun theme park #Outdoor base camp #Good place to relax"
Distance: 602m
Address: 郑州市中牟县郑开大道与人文路交汇口向南2公里方特欢乐世界内(绿博园正对面)

Shops near Zhengzhou Fantawild Water Park

1. Zhengzhou Shanshan Outlets Shopping Plaza

What travelers say:
煮粥婆的日志: "Zhengzhou Shanshan Outlets Square is located in Zhongxu. It is a large shopping place, mainly luxury goods. I usually don't have time. I have nothing to go shopping during the New Year. There are fewer people than usual, but the price of things is quite expensive."
Zhengzhou Shanshan Outlets Shopping Plaza
Opening hours: Opens at 10:00-21:00
Distance: 9.39km
Address: Northeast corner of the intersection of Zhengkai Avenue and Provincial Highway 223

2. 新天地購物中心

What travelers say:
爱旅游ailvyou: "The shopping center has a large operating area, complete goods and affordable prices."
Opening hours: Opens at 8:00-21:00
Distance: 19.27km
Address: Wansan Road, Badang Township

3. Peak Fudu Times Square

What travelers say:
M60***56: "The supermarket area is very large, there are many things and everything, and I have a membership card."
Peak Fudu Times Square
Distance: 23.42km
Address: Bonded North Road

4. 世紀華聯購物中心(康莊店)

What travelers say:
小民2011: "It's a slightly larger supermarket. There are not many types of goods, but it is OK nearby."
Opening hours: Opens at 10:00-21:30
Distance: 6.85km
Address: 220 national highway

Hotels near Zhengzhou Fantawild Water Park

1. Zhengzhou Zhongmou Zhipu Hotel (Zhengkai Avenue Wentong Road Branch)

Zhengzhou Zhongmou Zhipu Hotel (Zhengkai Avenue Wentong Road Branch)
Price: EUR24
Discount: 20% OFF
Distance: 3.29km
Address: 200 meters south of the intersection of Ping'an Avenue and Wentong Road East

2. Shaona Chihiro Hotel (Fangte Branch)

Shaona Chihiro Hotel (Fangte Branch)
Price: EUR27
Distance: 2.67km
Address: Building 2, No. 1, Zhengdong, 50 west of Fengqi Street and Junxian Road, Zhengkai Avenue, Zhengdong New District

3. JI Hotel (Zhengzhou Lvbo Avenue Fangte Tourism Resort)

JI Hotel (Zhengzhou Lvbo Avenue Fangte Tourism Resort)
Price: EUR27
Distance: 3.49km
Address: 100 meters west of the intersection of Lvbo Avenue and Hengtong Road, Shenghe Homeland No.3

4. Fantawild Holiday Hotel

Fantawild Holiday Hotel
Price: EUR44
Discount: 33% OFF
Distance: 919m
Address: Intersection of Renwen Road and Zhengbian Logistics Channel
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