Jixi Photo

About Jixi: The coal town of Jixi, located in southeast Heilongjiang Province, is known as the “springtime city of the north.” Jixi's eastern edge forms part of the long border with Russia, with the famous Ussuri (Wusuli) River as the dividing line along this section. The broad waters of the beautiful Ussuri River are rich and fertile. The lush vegetation on both banks and the dark rich soil that covers the area attest to the magnificence of the Great Northern Wilderness. Many islands and lakes are scattered along the banks of the Ussuri River. Zhenbao Island - shrouded under the smoke of battle not long ago - and the enchanting scenery of Lake Khanka (Xingkai) are both famous local tourist destinations. Jixi offers more than just beautiful scenery: here, you can also taste and eat your fill of delicious fresh local fish and shrimp.