Wudian City Traditional Area
Wudian City Traditional Area
Wudian City Traditional Area
Wudian City Traditional Area
Wudian City Traditional Area
Wudian City Traditional Area
Wudian City Traditional Area

Photos of Wudian City Traditional Area

The traditional cultural district of Wudian City is located among many high-rise buildings, which is in sharp contrast with the modern urban civilization. Walking into Wudian Street, walking on the ancient stone road, under the sunlight, through the alley and through the wind, stroking the bricks and stones baptized by those years, chewing marshmallows in my mouth, holding my childhood love Food, back to that carefree childhood. Each house here has its own story, and each one tells the unique southern Fujian architecture. The large and small buildings in the block are like a thick book of Jinjiang historical architecture art, from the tall Lu Sili Art Museum and Su Xianzhong Art Museum to the western-style buildings that combine Chinese and Western, and the red brick buildings of the "Royal Palace" with southern Fujian characteristics. , and then to the contemporary literature and art of Wumen Gate, you can see that the literature and art here are not separated, they complement each other, the inclusiveness of this kind of architecture makes Wudian City more diverse and attracts more and more people. arrival.

Reviews on Wudian City Traditional Area

#晋江# 4A五店市传统街区街区位于市中心的青阳山北。据史书
#晋江# 4A五店市传统街区街区位于市中心的青阳山北。据史书载,宋代青阳已有集市,时人称之为吴店市或五店市,在明清时期已成为一片繁华的红砖厝街区。走进街区,人们就会被闽南独有的红砖白石、燕尾脊高翘的建筑形态所吸引,大有走街串巷一探究竟的冲动。街区内遍布知名历史风藐建筑100多处,覆盖明、清、民国至现代各个时期,除了闽南传统宫殿式红砖建筑,有夯土房屋,有中西合璧的洋楼等等。处处风景,处处故事。核心建筑当属1989年完工复建的蔡氏家庙。坐南朝北,五开二进。门墙悉用青、白石料精雕拼装,檐下用多层栱斗烘托,雕饰繁复。祠堂正厅高敞,梁架壮硕。太子太保、忠勇将军,各种荣衔夺目耀眼。蔡氏家庙内高悬的十几面进士匾,大夫第巧作晋江工艺美术展,布政衙石柱上的一幅幅家风楹联,让观光有了驻足的节点。这里不仅是景区,还是生活休闲街区,食客比观光者有更多回头的理由。除了沿街建筑开放商用之外,更于西门内侧,置一洼喷泉广场,傍宛然别墅而建洋楼若干,便成老晋江美食街。或中或西,各有特色,老少咸宜。进一祥云汇馆,点羊肉煲套餐、祥云抄手各一,所谓新式闽南菜,味道不错。南部的青阳山,为高楼林立的市中心添上一抹郊野之绿,与北部的大片红厝相映成趣。推陈出新,中西合璧;贴近生活,跟上时代;五店市传统文化街区的营造无疑是成功的。走近街区,会注意到旁边的万达广场。万达在重庆做过类似的古城开发项目,显然,这里更胜一筹:在旧城改造方面独树一帜,新瓶老酒,忠于内涵、赋予内在;以点带面,而不固于街巷外在。

Restaurants Near Wudian City Traditional Area

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