Puerta del Sol
Puerta del Sol
Puerta del Sol

Photos of Puerta del Sol

Puerta del Sol is the central square of Madrid, surrounded by many historic buildings. The square was once the place where Napoleon's army invaded Madrid and confronted the citizens. Now it is a place for major parades and gatherings and leisure and entertainment for citizens and tourists. No matter day or night, it is always crowded and full of vitality. Plaza Building The Puerta del Sol square is semicircular, surrounded by houses and buildings, many of which can be called the essence of Madrid's urban architecture. On the south side of Puerta del Sol stands the iconic old postal building (LaCasadeCorreos), an old red and white building in the square that resembles a majestic palace. The bell tower in the middle of the building is very famous. Every New Year's Eve, Madrid people will gather here to celebrate the arrival of the new year by eating 12 grapes symbolizing good luck when the clock strikes 12 midnight. There is a sign on the pedestrian walkway in front of the "zero point sign" postal building, which is marked "zero point" (Kilómetro Cero). All road milestones in Spain are calculated from here, and the house number of the city of Madrid is also here. for the starting point. "Bear and Raspberry Statue" The symbol of Madrid City The "Bear and Raspberry" statue (Estatua del Osoyel Madroño) is located in the east of Puerta del Sol. This statue replaces the previous ruins of Puerta del Sol, and is now a very popular landmark in Madrid. The little bear stood upright, holding the raspberry tree in front of his front paws, lifelike. Now it is also a meeting place for many locals. Statue of Carlos III In the center of the Puerta del Sol Square stands the equestrian statue of Carlos III (EstatuaecuestredeCarlosIII). Next to the statue is a large fountain surrounded by flowers and steps for visitors to rest. In addition, the building itself of the Puerta del Sol (Sol) station on the square is also a highlight. The arched glass building shines in the sun, and the avant-garde shape like a shell is quite eye-catching among the traditional and classical buildings in the square. . Square Activities You can watch and take pictures at will in the square, or you can sit by the fountain, feed the pigeons, and enjoy the wonderful street performers. Puerta del Sol is also a commercial area. You can find flagship stores around Topshop, Sephora, Springfield, and Real Madrid. You can also see the building of the wine cellar TioPepe. The Ingles department store is also close at hand. To the Grand Avenue, to the west is the Callao business district, which is definitely a good place for shopping. In addition, there are many bars and cafes in the alley on the south side of the square, which are very local in Madrid, and the prices are very close to the people. You might as well try the feeling of beer with tapa (Madrid snacks). Puerta del Sol Square is also very lively at night with beautiful scenery at midnight. At the beginning of the lanterns, people are surging. At this time, Puerta del Sol Square may better interpret the essence of Madrid nightlife. Street teenagers dancing in the square, sentimental saxophone players, whispering couples...all are a beautiful scenery. If you happen to come here at midnight, facing the still crowded crowd in the square, and the cheers one after another, please don't be surprised, this city is saying to you in a unique way: Welcome to Puerta del Sol, welcome to Puerta del Sol. Come to sleepless Madrid!

Reviews on Puerta del Sol

太阳门广场所在地,最初是修筑于15世纪的马德里城墙上的一座面向东方的城门,门楼上装饰着初升太阳的图案,由此得名;在城市的持续拓展中,城门于1570年被拆除。兴建的广场,保留了“太阳门”的名称,并逐渐成为了城市的中心。从空中鸟瞰,以1.2万平方米的半圆形广场为中心,10条街巷呈放射状展开,如同旭日东升、光芒万丈。广场中央,东西两侧椭圆形的喷泉,簇拥着端坐C位的卡洛斯三世雕像。这位主持兴建了马德里大量的基础设施、倍受马德里民众推崇的君王,骑着高头大马,含笑陌陌地坐观广场风云、城市变迁。南侧,是广场最为经典的建筑-保安局大楼。修建于1766年到1768年的大楼(1867年加建了钟楼),简约明快的风格、红白相间的外立面,传递着新古典风格宫殿式建筑的情调。该建筑最初为马德里的中心邮局,后为佛朗哥时期的国家安全部总部,现为马德里政府办公大楼。在相当长的一段时间里,西班牙人民酷爱保安局大楼楼顶上的大钟,视这座大钟的时间为西班牙标准时间,以到这里来对表为荣耀。时至今日,每逢辞旧迎新之际,人们还是聚集在广场,聆听大楼新年钟声的响起。北侧,4座略呈圆弧形的建筑一路排开,时尚的外立面,白的晶莹;正中楼顶高耸着“TIO PEPE”(缇欧佩佩,雪利酒世界第一品牌)广告,夸张中透着典雅,萌的可爱。保安局大楼正门前街道的地面上,嵌着公路零公里的标识。半圆形的标识,镶刻有西班牙及伊比利亚半岛的地图图案和“0公里、公路起点”的字样。西班牙的公路以此为起点计算里程,马德里的街道以此为起点编制门牌。不留个影,相当于脚下的鞋未曾踏足马德里。

Attractions Near Puerta del Sol

Kilometre Zero
Kilometre Zero
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Tio Pepe Sign
Tio Pepe Sign
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Popular SpotsModern Architecture
Star & Sun Wellness Beauty
Star & Sun Wellness Beauty
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Restaurants Near Puerta del Sol

Hielo y Carbon
Hielo y Carbon
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Grama Lounge
Grama Lounge
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Fusion Cuisine
Taste of India
Taste of India
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Southeast Asian

Hotels Near Puerta del Sol

Principe Pio
Principe Pio
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The Madrid Edition
The Madrid Edition
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