
These ancient towns in Yunnan are so beautiful.云南的这些古镇太美了

I went to the scene of the TV play "Go to the Windy Place". Following the plot, I went to the ancient town of Dali, Xicun in Xiangyang, Xizhou ancient town, the famous Erhai Lake, Shaxi ancient town and Fengyang city. There should be a lot of famous places in Dali that are still waiting for the drama. There is a clip that impressed me deeply. It is a very beautiful scenery. It is the Cangshan Mountain in the snow. The most attractive time for the city is in winter. It's not particularly hot, it feels very refreshing, and you can see a variety of geological features. The main thing is that it is very romantic to calm down and enjoy it alone.I am a person who likes to live by the sea, but the ancient cities and villages here are so distinctive, and the price is close to the people, there is a feeling of simplicity, small bridges and flowing water, quiet houses, ethnic minority customs, and the place where the heroine lives in the TV series "Go to the Windy Place" is almost exactly the same. There are also many pedestrian streets and shopping malls and supermarkets, so it's easy to buy things. As we all know, the popular scenic spots here are the ancient city, Erhai Lake and Cangshan Mountain. However, there are still some scenic spots that are not inferior to the above ones in terms of features and scenery.And that is Shaxi Ancient Town: a tranquil ancient town, surrounded by green mountains and waters, with beautiful environment, fresh air and little human interference. Songsheng Temple: It looks like the royal residence in ancient times, with red walls and green tiles. It is very big. Xizhou Ancient Town: It is very beautiful here, with ancient streets, many beautiful women, and golden fields as far as the eye can see. It is simply the beauty of poetry. In some places, there is also a chance to take a tricycle, which is very contemporary.我到了电视剧《去有风的地方》的取景地 顺着剧情我到了大理的古镇,向阳的溪村,喜洲古镇,著名的洱海,沙溪古镇,凤阳邑。 后面还在等追剧应该还有很多大理有名的地方。 有一个片段让我印象深刻,是一个非常美的景色,是雪中的苍山,这座城市景色最吸引人的时候就是冬季。不会特别热感觉很清爽,能看到多种风貌的地质。主要是一个人静下心来享受很浪漫。我是一个喜欢住在海边的人,可是这里古老城池和村镇太有特色了,而且价格亲民,有一种古朴,小桥流水,宁静的大家宅院,少数民族风情的感觉,和电视剧《去有风的地方》里的女主住的地方几乎一模一样。这里还有很多步行街,也有商场超市,买东西很容易。 众所周知 这里的热门景区古城,洱海,苍山。不过还有一些景区不论特色还是景色都不输上面几个。那就是 1沙溪古镇:宁静的古镇,青山绿水环绕,环境优美,空气新鲜,少有人类干扰。 2嵩圣寺:这里很像古代的皇室居住地,红墙青瓦,非常大。 3喜洲古镇:这里非常漂亮,古老的街道,还有好多美女,金色的田地一望无际。简直就是诗词中的美景。 在有些地方还能有机会乘坐三轮车非常有时代感。
Posted: Jan 23, 2023
Ruby Jane Co
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