

4 /546 Reviews
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[Taste] Good [Service] [Environment] Great, great, great


Posted: Jul 1, 2021
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  • 徐霞客之旅
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    Anshun Haochi Street is in the urban area of Anshun. It is next to the train track. It is a little bit biased. It is similar to the delicious street in other places. On a street, there are many small restaurants and night stalls, suitable for eating supper.

    Posted: May 28, 2019
  • 徐霞客之旅
    Original Text

    Anshun Haochi Street is in the urban area of Anshun. It is 3 bus stops away from Anshun Railway Station. The 3 bus stop is at the Portuguese Hotel. The traffic is very convenient. The store here is more like night stalls, screws, lobsters, etc. There are also some specialty snacks in Guizhou.

    Posted: May 10, 2019
  • bmi2004
    Original Text

    According to the tour guide, Anshun People love to eat in Guizhou except for the name, so busy during the day, of course, don't miss Anshun Night Market at night, Haochi Street and Library Road Night Market are the largest night market in Anshun, Haochi Street is mainly food, Library Road Night Market is mainly clothing department stores, Anshun characteristic wrap powder is very special, a bit like Yi rice rolls, brine powder is also delicious.

    Posted: Jan 6, 2018
  • 光阴的日记
    Original Text

    Guizhou has many attractions, but they are far away. Therefore, friends who come to Guizhou to travel must plan in advance. Here is a 5-day and 4-night Guizhou travel pure play guide, hoping to add a fun to your Guizhou trip: Night market food recommendation: Erqi Road Snack Street: Located near the train station, a variety of authentic snacks are provided. Shaanxi Road Snack Street: Very lively at night, it is an old food stall in Guiyang. Qingyun Road Snack Street: The night market known by local talents can find your favorite food no matter how late. Xiaoqikong Food Street: cheap and good quality, people are irresistible. Anshun Haochi Street: It is recommended to try the pot, many tourists come here. Qingyan Ancient Town: The Zhuangyuan Hoof here is not only delicious, but also very good. Guizhou Transportation: Airport: Longdongbao Airport, 14 kilometers away from Guiyang City, you can take the airport bus/bus or take a taxi to the city. Train: There are five railway stations in Guizhou, of which Guiyang Station is close to the city. EMU/High-speed Railway: Guiyang East Station and Guiyang North Station go directly to Guiyang City. Guizhou cuisine: potato dumplings, intestines, tofu round seeds, silk dolls, sour soup fish, Qingyan tofu, Guizhou Zhuangyuan hoof and other foods are worth a try. Routine recommendation: Day 1: Departure to Guiyang. Day 2: Guiyang → Libo → Xiaoqikong → Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village. Day 3: Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village → Zhenyuan Ancient Town → Longli/Pingba. Day 4: Longli/Pingba → Huangguoshu Waterfall → Anshun. Day 5: Anshun → Qingyan Ancient Town → Guiyang → Return. Tip: If you feel that making the itinerary is too troublesome, friends who are traveling for the first time may wish to contact the local tour group in advance. They usually provide accommodation, transportation and tickets, and the price is relatively reasonable. #Guiyang how to play #Guiyang tourism

    Posted: Apr 12, 2024
  • 秋桃核

    🌟行程:贵阳诺富特酒店-(开车115min)-黄果树景区-(开车45min)-安顺半山酒店。黄果树基本就要玩一天了,计划了龙宫,但实在没力气去了。安顺这个小城挺不错,最后两张照片是城景,有时间可以逛逛。🌟入住酒店:安顺半山酒店。比较晚到,但是步行5min就是夜市“好吃街”。🌟吃吃吃:早餐——诺富特酒店早餐,不丰盛,但也有西式面包糕点以及煎蛋脆哨粉等。黄果树景区里——遍地香肠、玉米、汉堡等小吃,也有文创雪糕。酒店附近——“好吃街”夜市,超多餐馆,很热闹,菜品味道可口,很解馋。🌟TIPS:1⃣️可以提前一天网上购买黄果树景区门票,门票有VIP选择,多一百多块,很值得的,详见黄果树景区篇。2⃣️黄果树网上购买门票是有时间段的,不在时间段内进景区需要在客服中心换票,景区入口和客服中心距离挺远,烈日下来回走,很是折腾。3⃣️安顺开始选了两家酒店,半山和万绿城铂瑞兹,实地看来,其实两家距离并不算远,走路也就20min,半山靠近夜市,铂瑞兹靠近商圈。💕💕💕旅行细节(酒店、美味食物、景区等)请翻看我的作品集-贵州专辑 #遇见中国之美 #打卡酒店的100种方式 #去了还想去的地方 #夏天扫街计划 #城市周边的私藏宝地

    Posted: Mar 31, 2024
  • 一人旅
    Original Text

    There are really many snacks in the delicious street. The taste is pure. I just entered the door and saw the cold and deserted. The shops opened less and thought it was early. There was a wrapped roll and the lo-wei not far from the door. I ordered some food. The taste is really good. Don't look at a few young people operating. It's amazing to have this craft, and the attitude is very enthusiastic. After eating, I went shopping, and I was immediately attracted by the lively atmosphere after the shop. There was a feeling of crossing. Compared with the desertedness just now, it was really dazzling. I ate one after another, barbecue seafood, bean rice hot pot, sauerkraut fish, desserts~ Finally, I chose a kaili sauerkraut fish. The ginseng fish (looks a bit like a grouper), has been sliced into fish when lifted on the table, the soup is a bit crispy, delicious! What vegetables and wild vegetables are free. There are more than 10 varieties. I chose to cook them in the sour soup. It is also fragrant. It seems that this time I chose to live in the Portuguese Hotel. The delicious street is just a few minutes away! Booking online is cheaper!

    Posted: Jun 21, 2017
  • 美好生活78


    Posted: Aug 3, 2017
  • minirain0801

    听说去黄果树瀑布 贵阳的朋友马上建议在安顺停一下 尝尝安顺的小吃 看到安顺好吃街的牌匾 着实兴奋了一会儿 以为找到正宗贵阳美食 可边走边尝 有些小失落 环境冷冷清清 味道没有惊艳的感觉 酸汤鱼还不如北京的贵州餐厅好吃

    Posted: Jan 20, 2017
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