
Excuse me: the bus from Buerjin to jadengyu and Kanas, where can I take it?? Specific time, place and cost of taking the bus???

on Jul 31, 2018
1 Answer
on Oct 17, 2019

Just after a three-week trip to Xinjiang, I arrived in Beitun city at 7:30 a.m. on the Xifa Chaozhi train from Urumqi, and then took a little more than an hour to Buerjin county passenger station. Different from the imagination, even in the peak tourist season, there are not many buses from brjin to jiadengyu. There is one at 10 a.m. and one at 16:00 p.m. the fare is 40 yuan. If you arrive early, you can only wait. If you miss, you can only carpool with others.