How do Mongolian people "cat winter" in winter Grassland: each of these five ways is fresh

Mar 13, 2020

When it comes to Inner Mongolia, the first thing many people think of is the endless prairie, where horses are running in groups. Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is located in the northern border of China. Except for the Han nationality, it is the gathering place of Mongolian nationality, the largest in China. Due to the latitude, the winter here is long and cold. In some places, the heating starts in October. The grassland turns green in May next year, and the winter temperature in the north can reach more than minus 30 degrees. Therefore, the Mongolian herdsmen who live a nomadic life begin to drive their cattle, sheep and horses back home to "cat winter" in winter. So how do the Mongolian people on the grassland spend the long winter? What are their living habits different from ours? Take Xilin Gol for example, to feel the five differences here, each of which makes the people who have never been here feel fresh.

Xilin Gol League is a League under the jurisdiction of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. It is located in the middle of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the north of China. It is the closest grassland pastoral area to Beijing Tianjin Tang area. The climate here is characterized by strong wind, drought and cold. The freezing period lasts for 5 months and the cold period lasts for 7 months. The temperature in January is the lowest, with an average of - 20 ℃. It is one of the coldest areas in North China.

Mongolian people are not lonely in winter. People who don't feel their life think that herdsmen can't come out of their homes. On the contrary, in the four seasons of the year, only the grassland herdsmen who can stop in winter are the ones who really enjoy life. Every winter, there are various types of winter Nadam, camel Culture Festival, Mongolian horse culture festival, grassland ice and Snow Festival, winter fishing festival, mountain skiing Festival, snow cross-country competition and so on. Their entertainment methods are rich and varied.

First of all, let's talk about how Mongolia people dress in winter. Mongolian people like to wear leather clothes and hats and cotton Mongolian robes in winter. Due to the open grassland, if there is wind, the winter is even colder, so their clothes in winter are thick, so that they can resist the wind and keep warm.

Traditional Mongolian costumes include Mongolian robes, jewelry, belts, hats and boots. Women also wear headwear. However, they usually dress casually. Some people also wear down clothes. They only wear formal clothes in some serious occasions, and they wear very exquisite clothes. Mongolian people believe that wearing Mongolian robes is a very serious thing, which is respect for others.

Second, there is no need to graze in winter. It's idle. Mongolians also like to play. But what they play is not the same as us. They often gather in the yurts and play a traditional Mongolian game of tangaracha around the stove.

Gala difference is made of sheep's kneecap bone. It can be bounced out with chopsticks to hit Gala difference of opposite players. The score is different with different hitting surfaces. In the end, whoever has a high score will win the game.

Third, in addition to playing traditional games, Mongolian people must also be able to master three skills: wrestling, horse racing and archery. This is the battle of strength and ability for Mongolian men to overcome the cold in winter. It is the three favorite sports in winter.

There is a museum of "men's three arts" in xiwuzhumuqin banner (Xiwu banner), which shows the origin, development and modern achievements of these three arts.

In Japan, many people like sumo. Sumo dance, which was called "Su dance" in ancient times, originated in China. It was introduced into Japan in Tang Dynasty. It was bared and wrestled by two Hercules. It was very similar to the wrestling of Mongolian people in China. Wuzhumuqin grassland in the east of Xilinguole League is the cradle of wrestling. Many famous wrestlers come to the world arena from here. In winter, men prefer to meet several people to fall on the grassland or organize some competitions.

Fourth, Mongolian people love horse head Qin. Don't think that the strong and powerful Mongolian men can only wrestle and race. They also prefer a musical instrument, horse head Qin. In Inner Mongolia, when entering the yurts, the way they greet the guests must be melodious. This is a kind of elegant entertainment way of Mongolian people in winter.

It is said that the origin of the horse head Qin is that a herdsman missed his pony, took its leg bone as the pillar and tail hair as the bowstring, and engraved the shape of the pony on the top of the handle, thus making the horse head Qin.

In Xilingol, horse head Qin is not only for herdsmen to play, but also for Qi baoligo international horse head Qin college. This is the only institution of higher learning majoring in horse head instrument in China. The college has majors in horse head instrument performance, horse head instrument production, piano debugging and so on, and has trained many excellent students.

Fifthly, to say that Mongolian people live and eat in winter. It's their daily life to drink milk tea and eat beef and mutton. In winter, it's snowy outside. The first thing they do in the morning is to cook a pot of steaming milk tea on the fire, which is necessary for them to entertain guests.

Don't envy that they have beef and mutton for three meals a day, because the vegetables here are scarce. Some children think that the vegetables are the best.

Inner Mongolia is one of the areas with the fastest economic development in recent years. With the popularization of network and the development of transportation, more and more tourists from other places come into Inner Mongolia, and the life of Mongolian people is quietly changing. They also like surfing the Internet and watching TV. Some young people prefer to work in the distance rather than herding. The impact of the modern Internet era on the traditional life and customs of the local people is also slowly affecting the life of the young generation of Mongolians.

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