Northen Lights in Alaska: 4 Places to Get the Best Photos & Travel Around Alaska in Winter (Updated 2024)

Nov 7, 2023


  • About Alaskan Aurora
    • 1. Why Choose Alaska to Enjoy the Aurora?
    • 2. There are Several Necessary Factors to Observe Aurora. In Particular, Patience and Luck are Very Important!
  • 3. Common Aurora Observation Index Tools
  • 4. Guide for Dressing in Alaska in Winter
  • # Positions to Enjoy the Aurora 1# Dynamic Tracking of Aurora
  • # Position to Enjoy the Aurora 2# Wait for Aurora in the Log Cabin
  • # Position to Enjoy the Aurora 3# Look up at Aurora in Chena Hot Springs Resort
  • # Position to Enjoy the Aurora 4# Enjoy Aurora in Yukon River Aurora Camp
  • Show More

The aurora usually appears in the ring zone at 67 degrees north latitude. So Fairbanks, which is only 310 km from the Arctic Circle, is the best place of the world to view aurora. People even see it as the "Capital of the Aurora Borealis". There are more than 246 days of clear night sky in a year to see the aurora borealis. According to the official statistics of local tourism bureau, the probability of seeing the aurora borealis can reach up to 90% if someone stays here for three nights and 97% for four nights.

① Selection locations: Active zone of the aurora. ② Weather: Starless and moonlit night rather than snowy, rainy and cloudy night, no matter how high the index is. ③ Time: 12:00-3:00 am is the best observation period, during which, the sky is the clearest and not affected by the clouds. ④ Keep away from light pollution and urban areas. The aurora can only be observed more clearly in the suburbs where there is little light pollution.

Forecast website of University of Alaska:

North American aurora observation website:

In addition to forecasting the aurora for the current day, it can also predict the aurora for the next 3 days. Website of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration:

You can find longer aurora predictions.

Mobile APP

Aurora Forecast: You can find KP value forecasts for different time frames of a day, your current location and observe the real-time aurora of the entire Arctic Circle. Aurora Now: It is able to find your location and tell you the KP values ​​predicted for the next three days. Tips: Generally, the KP index includes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. The larger the index, the more active the aurora will be. When the index is 1-2, the aurora generally stays static. When it reaches above 5, the aurora will become a dancing bond. When it reaches 7 or above, the aurora bursts and you can see the colorful aurora jumping.

You can go to Alaska to enjoy aurora from September to the next April when the temperature is basically around 0 degrees. The temperature will reach the lowest between November and the next February. Please wrap up warm. You'd better prepare the following clothes: a fleece jacket, a down jacket, a fleece, thermal underwear, sweat pants, down pants, snow boots, velvet leather gloves, a plush scarf and a cashmere muffler. If you want to try some outdoor activities, remember to prepare waterproof shoes and sunglasses!

Dynamic Tracking of Aurora - Cross the Arctic Circle by land/airplane: You may go to the Arctic Circle by taking a bus or small plane from Fairbanks to have an Aurora Trip by Land across the Arctic Circle, while enjoying the scenery along the Dalton Highway and visiting the intersection of 66°33′ north latitude and the Dalton Highway. You can also stay on the highland along the way to track aurora. Tips: Known as the “most dangerous road”, the Dalton Highway is a “gravel” road that passes through the polar region, tundra, and permafrost. The Dalton Highway built on top of the frozen soil is destined to be uneven as it was constructed by following the rugged terrain. Thus, during the journey, you need to climb, go downhill, and turn many times. Therefore, only the vehicles with a professional operating license are allowed to travel on the Dalton Highway. Be careful if driving yourself~~

Northen Lights in Alaska: 4 Places to Get the Best Photos & Travel Around Alaska in Winter (Updated 2024)

Wait for aurora in the log cabin: To avoid light pollution from the city, you should wait for the aurora borealis in the aurora cabin, located in the suburbs of Fairbanks. There's nowhere better to enjoy the complete splendid aurora on the mountain without buildings. There are tables, chairs, heating equipment and hot drinks in the cabin. Here, you don't have to be wrapped up and stand outside to withstand the cold wind at more than 20 degrees below zero.

Northen Lights in Alaska: 4 Places to Get the Best Photos & Travel Around Alaska in Winter (Updated 2024)

Look up at Aurora at the Chena Hot Springs Resort: Far away from the noisy city, the 100-year-old resort is well-known for its magical therapeutic hot springs, gorgeous aurora borealis, cutting-edge energy regeneration projects and ice sculpture museums. You can experience the warmth of the mineral springs in a world of snow and ice.

Northen Lights in Alaska: 4 Places to Get the Best Photos & Travel Around Alaska in Winter (Updated 2024)

Chase Aurora in Latitude 66° Yukon River Aurora Camp: Located in the hinterland of north pole, the 66° Yukon River Aurora Camp can be called the “Central Aurora Area”. Here, you are very likely to observe wavy aurora. There are 40-50 rooms in the camp, sufficient for visitors. In addition, it has convenient accommodation conditions, flowing water and power supply. You may have some beef noodles or stay in the warm cabin if you need. It's hard to book a room, so please do it one month in advance.

Northen Lights in Alaska: 4 Places to Get the Best Photos & Travel Around Alaska in Winter (Updated 2024)

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