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Hotel Route Tsukuba
3.6/520 Reviews

Hotel Route Tsukuba

Tsukuba|4.43km from city center
It is far from the station, but it doesn't care because it uses a car. It's old, but the rooms are spacious, renovated, there is a large communal bath, free breakfast, and above all, it was a decisive factor because it was affordable in nearby hotels. In addition, there was free coffee and ice cream in the lobby, and the children were delighted. It was OK at any time. There was also a microwave in the lobby. The large communal bath is fixed by men and women, so it may be tied to a little time, but the large communal bath is helpful for families with children. In the cleaning of the room, there was a disposable chopsticks bag that seemed to be garbage in front of it falling on the edge, and hair was attached to the wall of the bathroom. It was a double room for sleeping with children, but the furniture in the room has a lot of chairs, which is very convenient for doing something or putting things. No , there may be inconvenience for consecutive nights. There is a coffee machine (with tea), a kettle, and an air purifier humidifier. It's a pity that the slippers broke immediately. Need improvement. The twin room booked by the family was also large and comfortable. The staff in the lobby at night was a child who couldn't use it like a part-time student. It is better to be properly educated when an emergency (if a person falls) occurs. I moved for the first time saying ”Please do now” what I want you to be accurate. It's a pity that the staff at check-in had a good explanation.
Family Lodge Hatagoya Tsukuba
4/519 Reviews

Family Lodge Hatagoya Tsukuba

Tsukuba|5.69km from city center
概要:愛犬同伴で利用可能な、茨城県つくば市のロードサイドホテル。宿泊に特化した宿泊施設のため、サービスは最低限ながら、安価で快適な寝室が提供される。つくばエキスプレスみどりの駅からは徒歩圏で、常磐道・谷田部インターチェンジや圏央道・つくば中央インターチェンジからは約6kmの距離にあり、通りの向かいにはショッピングセンターがあるのが特徴。また茨城県南部の要衝に位置しているため、茨城県内の観光に便利。なお犬のアメニティ・施設はなく、愛犬同伴での宿泊の際は、十分な管理が必要。  ファミリーロッジ旅籠屋・つくば店は、茨城県つくば市にある、ロードサイドホテルです。母体のファミリーロッジ旅籠屋は、国内に70店舗以上ある、ロードサイドホテルのチェーン店で、主に観光地やインターチェンジ、幹線道路等など、車でアクセスしやすい場所にある素泊まりのミニホテルです。寝室は清潔で必要十分な機能があり、しっかり休めればそれで十分と考えている方にとって相応しい施設です。安価で愛犬と同宿可能なため、愛犬同伴での茨城県の観光の拠点として非常に優れています。  店舗のある場所は、圏央道・つくば中央インターチェンジや常磐道・谷田部インターチェンジから6kmの距離にあります。またつくばエキスプレスみどりの駅からは徒歩圏で、近隣にはスーパーマーケット等のあるショッピングセンターやドラッグストア、ファミリーマートがあります。  料金体系は、日付によって(エコノミー・)レギュラー・ハイ・トップ・ピークに分かれており、大人2名・小型犬2頭だと日曜〜金曜はレギュラーの10000円またはハイの12000円、土曜はトップの15000円、盆・年始年末・連休・受験シーズンはピークの20000円(いずれも税抜)のことが多いです。レギュラーあるいはハイの日程であれば、愛犬同宿施設としては費用対効果が非常に高くなり、またトップ料金でも十分お値打ち価格に感じられると思います。  チェックインは15時〜23時、チェックアウトは11時です。朝7時から9時まで、ラウンジにてセルフサービスで数種のパンとオレンジジュースの提供があります。それ以外の時間(夜23時までと、朝7時以降)はコーヒー・お茶がセルフで利用可能です。客室にはクイーンサイズの大きなベッドが二つあり、有料でエキストラベッドの利用が可能です。またテレビ・冷蔵庫・空気清浄機・除湿機・エアコン・床暖房・Wi-Fiがあるため、滞在中は快適に過ごせます。洋式トイレ・浴室はそれぞれ独立しており、シャンプー・リンス・ボディソープは備え付けのものがあります。ハンドタオル・バスタオルのセットが人数分あり、必要であれば、有料で追加貸出可能です。それ以外にも寝巻き・湯沸しポット・使い捨てスリッパ・歯ブラシ・髭剃りなども有料で利用できます。建物内には他に、自販機とコインランドリーがあります。フロント脇のラウンジには近隣観光施設のパンフレットや割引券などが置いてあるので、来訪先の検討に役立ちます。  愛犬対応状況ですが、数は少ないものの、愛犬同伴可能な部屋があります。詳細はファミリーロッジ旅籠屋公式サイト内の「ペット同宿について」をご参照ください。要旨としては、十分なしつけ・二匹まで・室内放置不可等が挙げられます。また室内外でマーキングをする・排泄管理ができない・吠え止まない・ベッドに乗ってしまう、といったことをしてしまう場合には利用できません。「犬同伴可能」であって「犬同伴歓迎」ではないため、適切な対応がされていない場合、国内全店舗・全室ペット同伴不可となってしまうので厳に慎む必要があります。ちなみに、ペットに関するものは全く置いていないので、全て持参する必要があります。それと、フロントに同伴することはできません。同伴できるのは許可された客室のみです。犬の散歩については、特定の公園や広場が近隣にないため、宿の前にある谷田部バイパスを歩くか、観光地で散歩するのが妥当です。  愛犬同伴での食事については、近隣に対応してもらえるレストランは多くありません。つくば駅周辺やつくばインターチェンジ周辺であれば、愛犬同伴可能なイタリアンやベーカリーが点在しているので、そちらを利用するのが良いかと思います。愛犬同伴にこだわらなければ、バイパス沿い、あるいはみどりの駅周辺に飲食店がありますので、そちらを利用できます。  茨城県内の愛犬同伴での観光については、1時間以上の車移動が必要な場所が多いのですが、下記のような場所があります。 国営ひたち海浜公園:ネモフィラ、コキアなど四季の花が楽しめる広大な公園(宿から1時間) 筑波山:ロープウェイ・ケーブルカーに乗車して、気軽に日本百名山の登山が楽しめる山(宿から40分) 大洗磯前神社:波が洗う海岸に建てられた「神磯の鳥居」で知られる神社(宿から1時間) 竜神大吊橋:歩行者専用としては「日本最大級」の長さの吊橋(宿から1時間半) 袋田の滝:日本三名瀑の一つに数えられる、四季折々の姿が楽しめる滝(宿から2時間)  また期間限定のイベントとしては、9月初頭に例年開催されている「あけのひまわりフェスティバル」も、愛犬同伴で楽しめます。ただし日中は暑く、日陰が乏しい場所なので、人犬ともに熱中症にはご注意ください。  なお日本三名園の一つの偕楽園は、本園(有料部分)には同伴できませんが、拡張部分の公園であれば同伴は可能です。牛久大仏は敷地内に愛犬同伴はできませんが、その存在感は敷地外でも十分認識することが出来ます。鹿島神宮・笠間稲荷神社・六角堂は敷地内同伴不可です。    犬の管理と必要物品の準備がしっかり必要ではありますが、それをクリアできれば茨城県内の愛犬同伴旅行に非常に使いやすい宿泊施設かと思います。

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Tsukuba University of Technology Kasuga Campus

Toyoko Inn Kenkyu-Gakuen Ekimae
4/591 Reviews

Toyoko Inn Kenkyu-Gakuen Ekimae

Tsukuba|2.03km from Tsukuba University of Technology Kasuga Campus
I think it is quite affordable with breakfast. I have stayed for several nights so I will share information. As for breakfast, others write it, but because it is about cold food, I think you can eat a lot if you don't expect the taste. About 5 kinds of side dishes every day, is it salad 1 〜 2 kinds? I thought it would be a little more delicious if I could warm it up a little more overall. It's cold. You can eat in the room, so you can prepare a box for lunch and have a sense of security. Popular menu is often sold out after 8:30 々. Sometimes curry comes out, but it's not every day. If you think you're going to eat the next day, you'll eat it. . . Watch out. As for rice, the hotel next door was better. . . I think it's that way because it's higher there. The room was cheaper to smoke, so I stayed in the smoking room. I didn't care about the smell, but I was a little worried about the smell that I stained in the futon and pillow because it was a non-smoker even if I sprayed the spray with the room. Naturally, if you can't smell cigarettes, I think you can't smoke the smoking room. The bed is large, and I can't afford to spread the carry bag on the floor. There was a humidifier and it was saved. The unit bus is large for this hotel, and the bath is enough to stretch the legs slowly by putting hot water. Overall, I am satisfied! It's better to rank up a little breakfast...

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Tsukuba International Conference Center

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Explore Guest Reviews of Hotels in Tsukuba

Looking for hotels in Tsukuba? Get inspired by reviews from real travelers.
Hotel New Takahashi Takezono
3/52 Reviews
It takes time to get hot water in the shower.
Tabist Tsukuba Sky Hotel
3.6/510 Reviews
Single room, the overall size is acceptable. There is a desk and a small refrigerator in the room, and the Wi-Fi speed is good. It is very convenient around the street. There is a general store across the road, and there are also shops such as hundred yuan sushi and McDonald's. Disadvantages, the bathroom lights are very dark, the water pressure of the sprinkler is very low, and the sound insulation is very poor. You can hear it when you cough next door. There is often a loud pumping sound in the middle of the night, and you didn't sleep well that night. Of course, considering the price feeling, there is still a little price-performance ratio. The front desk service is Chinese, and there are Chinese tips and help everywhere, which is very convenient. More suitable for friends with tight budgets.
Hotel Grand Shinonome
4/551 Reviews
In the Showa period, when the science Expo was held, it was the highest hotel in Tsukuba. There are some more cutting-edge clean hotels now, but the old-fashioned character is not lost. The first class is first class, such as the correspondence of the attendant at the front desk and the breakfast hall. However, the facilities themselves were old, and the carpet of the floor which was peeled off, the bathtub shower water plug, the western toilet seat which was not the shower toilet, and the door which opened and closed with a large key instead of auto lock were regrettable. The room is large and the building is a luxurious space that cannot be in business. The breakfast content is also very good, such as salad with many types. Personally, Ibaraki was expected to be a strong natto with a thick taste, but it was pack natto.
Tsukubasan Edoya
5/53 Reviews
Front desk: The service is very good, there is a Taiwanese sister who speaks Chinese, and the communication depends on her. In the middle of the night, there should be only one security grandfather. Food: Everything is delicious. It is available in the morning and evening, but it needs to be booked in advance. The food office near the 3 or 4 o'clock in the afternoon will be off work. If the hotel is expensive, the hotel also has instant noodles. But it is recommended to try dinner, it is delicious. Hot springs: There is an open air! if you are willing to! You can go to the bubble 24 hours a day! And very few people! One word: cool! A variety of skin care, cleaning products, are also very easy to use (sensitive skin measured), it is worthwhile to try to empty. Room: The room is spacious and it looks like which one you booked. Shrine: The Tsukuba Shrine is going out and turning right. When you look up at the hotel door, you will see the bird house. From that bird house, you will enter. After visiting the shrine, go to the orbital station and follow the tips on the left to climb some steps. The track goes back and forth 1050 yen. The top of the mountain: To the top of the mountain is the male body mountain, very close; to the right is the female body mountain, the mountain road is not easy to walk, 15 minutes, you can go to a mountaintop, there is a small hall. You can choose to take the cable car over there, but will not return to the hotel.
Toyoko Inn Kenkyu-Gakuen Ekimae
4/591 Reviews
I think it is quite affordable with breakfast. I have stayed for several nights so I will share information. As for breakfast, others write it, but because it is about cold food, I think you can eat a lot if you don't expect the taste. About 5 kinds of side dishes every day, is it salad 1 〜 2 kinds? I thought it would be a little more delicious if I could warm it up a little more overall. It's cold. You can eat in the room, so you can prepare a box for lunch and have a sense of security. Popular menu is often sold out after 8:30 々. Sometimes curry comes out, but it's not every day. If you think you're going to eat the next day, you'll eat it. . . Watch out. As for rice, the hotel next door was better. . . I think it's that way because it's higher there. The room was cheaper to smoke, so I stayed in the smoking room. I didn't care about the smell, but I was a little worried about the smell that I stained in the futon and pillow because it was a non-smoker even if I sprayed the spray with the room. Naturally, if you can't smell cigarettes, I think you can't smoke the smoking room. The bed is large, and I can't afford to spread the carry bag on the floor. There was a humidifier and it was saved. The unit bus is large for this hotel, and the bath is enough to stretch the legs slowly by putting hot water. Overall, I am satisfied! It's better to rank up a little breakfast...
Hotel Tsukuba Hills Gakuen-Odori
3.2/56 Reviews
Staying on a business trip. Be attracted to a large bath and choose this place. The large bath is a wide space. If you dare to say the difficulty, it is until 24 o'clock. The room is also compared to the center of the city. Breakfast. It was a comment that it was ”easy” at check-in, but it was too much. This is also a small variety of side dishes, but it is enough for elderly people who are too careful to eat. The desk is also wide and the desk is AC 2. AC 2 near the entrance. You will also work. Not come to Tsukuba, but if you have a chance, you will visit again. Recommended.

Frequently Asked Questions

Local Travel Info

Highest PriceUS$1,705
Lowest PriceUS$35
Number of Reviews 487
Number of hotels52
Average Price(Weekday Night)US$176
Average Price(Weekend Night)US$187

Tsukuba hotel stays and independent tour guides

On, it's easy to search for hotels in Tsukuba. There are many discounted hotels on For trips in Tsukuba, you can choose hotels around the city center or accommodations near popular attractions. In Tsukuba, both areas with attractions and the city center are good places to stay.

There is no civilian airport in this city. You can visit a nearby city first, and then head to Tsukuba using other means of transportation. Although there aren't any airports or train stations, visitors can come to the city via bus or other means of transportation.

On, there are 23 recommended hotels in Tsukuba. When looking for hotels in Tsukuba, there are likely good options at a nightly budget of just 85 USD. There are 17 three-star hotels in Tsukuba at an average price of 89 USD per night. There are 5 two-star hotels in Tsukuba at an average price of 45 USD per night. There are not many well-known chain hotels in Tsukuba, but staying at a unique local hotel will make you feel at home. If the comfort level of your trip is important, there are many choices in Tsukuba, such as hotels under the Okura brand. In Tsukuba, chain hotels such as Okura are one of the top choices among travelers. Tsukubasan Onsen Tsukubasan Edoya is one of the most popular hotels in Tsukuba. Many tourists also stay at Hotel Tsukuba Hills Gakuen-Odori.

There are quite a few famous attractions in downtown Tsukuba, such as CYBERDYNE Studio, Tsukuba. You can choose attractions in Tsukuba that are perfect for a weekend getaway, such as Mt. Nantai, Mt. Tsukuba. The most famous attractions locally are The Science Museum of Map and Survey, Mizuhonomuraichiba, 世博会的科学纪念公园. Commercial areas like Iisa are ideal places to buy souvenirs.

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